Do you face these struggles with your horse?

  • Kicks at the farrier/trimmer

  • Refuses to pick up his hooves even though he has been trained to do so

  • Doesn't want to stand still for hoof trimming

  • You have to lean against to pick up his hooves

  • Has to be held or tied before picking up hooves can be attempted

Imagine standing next to your horse without even needing to hold onto the halter, or worrying about the farrier being kicked. Imagine a horse who willingly picks up his hooves without any struggle, a horse who picks up his hooves with the touch of a hand, one who stands calmly while you clean out the hooves or while the farrier trims the hooves. This is all achievable without force and without yanking the halter, and starts with understanding the reason behind these behaviours and then gaining the knowledge to overcome it. Within this masterclass you will learn how to prevent or overcome many obstacles when it comes to hoof handling, and see hoof handling through the perspective of a trainer, trimmer and massage therapist.

This masterclass is packed with information, you can:

  • Learn the reasons why many horses don’t want to pick up their hooves, even when they know how to

  • Understand the importance of positive motivation during corrective trimming

  • Discover how you can have a willing horse even when their bodies and hooves are sore while still remaining ethical

  • Learn how to help your horse accept the farrier and make positive associations with the trimmer

  • Gain the knowledge to implement training that will help you overcome hoof handling related obstacles

  • Or how to adjust the training for hoof handling now, to prevent these obstacles from arising in the first place

Class created by...

Louisa Marais

Louisa always had a love for horses from a young age and later discovered a passion for rescue horses and equine rehabilitation after she adopted two rescue horses who struggled with behavioural and physiological problems. After helping her own horses heal emotionally and physically she set out on a mission to help others who were facing the same struggles. She gained qualifications in equine psychology, myofunctional therapy and equine nutrition, and studied under professionals and researchers to expand her knowledge further. Afterwards, she founded TrulyTrust Equine where she now specialises in holistic care and rehabilitation, including barefoot hoof rehabilitation and behavioural rehabilitation. She shares that her goal is to help create a vibrant and pain-free life for horses by approaching healing holistically, and through the process helping owners and horses build a true connection and partnership with each other.